Apex Medical is proud of the role Apex Arachnoid Knives™ played in the first ever excimer laser assisted bypass surgery to be performed in the United States as part of an emergency single-use approval by the FDA. Read about the surgery here.
Apex Medical donated 30 Apex Arachnoid Knives™ to the successful series of surgeries to separate conjoined twins at Montefiore Medical Center. Read about that surgery here.
See Apex Arachnoid Knives™ in action! The giant ACOMM Artery Aneurysm Flash video below was supplied by David J. Langer, M.D., Director of Cerebrovascular Surgery at St. Luke's-Roosevelt and Long Island College Hospitals.
Who Uses Apex Arachnoid Knives™?
“I won’t do a bypass without Apex knives.”
- David Langer, M.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine
“I use the Apex knife for dissecting the cranial nerves and vessels off tumor capsule. It also allows me to sharply identify the dorsal nerve root entry zone in tethered and retethered spinal cord cases.”
- Peter P. Sun, M.D., Children’s Hospital of Oakland
“When it comes to making the arteriotomy to start a bypass, there is nothing better than Apex knives, especially when doing a deep bypass.”
- Michael T. Lawton, M.D., University of California, San Francisco
“The Apex knife is the best tool for opening the arachnoid of the Sylvian fissure and for separating cranial nerves from a tumor surface microscopically.”
- Harry R. Van Loveren, M.D., University of South Florida